Saturday, April 26, 2008

Lindt Hot Pralines

Some manufacturers are pussy-footing it around the theme of chili and hot pepper. They add a little, and sometimes you don’t even know for sure that you’ve tasted the pepper. Other manufacturers have a product portfolio broad enough to offer a choice.
Lindt is exactly that manufacturer. They have hot spices accenting their product line richly, and none is better than the Hot Pralines.
I bought all three flavors in one set, but they are also available in bars. All three flavors are great, and the fruit flavoring comes across as well as the heat.
Maracuja (passion fruit) is the one with the middle amount of heat. Granatapfel (pomegranate) is less hot, while the best combination of heat and flavor comes out in the papaya-flavored praline.

Reviewed: Lindt Hot Pralines
Personality: Reminds me of the sweet jelly which accompanies the cheese popper appetizer, plus a really nice chocolate
How to enjoy: Good kicker for dessert after a mildly spiced dinner
1: Better than sex
2: Little bites of heaven
3: Share with your best friend
4: Will do in a pinch
5: Halloween candy

Where to buy:
Lindt is sold many places worldwide

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